Thursday, December 24, 2009

so maybe not *every day

But not too far off...

The purpose of this blog is to share my daily divinations, to show how I use it as a tool for daily connection and teaching with Higher Power, Godself, Particular Divine Entity, or whatever you want to call It. The point is to explore the various ways to get there, and receive the information available to us from the Universe. Divination helps us do this by showing the way with the signposts provided by our own self-created mythos, and helping us to understand our internal weather report, and prepare appropriately. In this journal, I will primarily be using dreams, I Ching and tarot, but you never know what will turn up.

I did an I Ching divination, before I went to bed last night, using James Nammack’s Primordial I Ching; this work is unpublished, but you can learn more about it on, where he has a discussion group.

My divinations for the past several days have been a lot about going with the flow and adapting to the needs at hand, and also doing inner work. Last night, I received hex. 53 "you must not withhold from yourself the experiences you need for your personal growth. Things do not go exactly as planned, but you do make substantial progress. You effectively apply one principle to something else" I got two changing lines, line 2 "you shine a light into the darkness" and line 4, "something is number one, supreme over all things". the next hexagram was 22, "Something has sound qualities. You must go with the flow. You must put your total focus on the end results you desire, not the problems that seem to stand in our way." The hidden hexagrams were 15, "You achieve something reach a goal. You get at the very core or essence of something. You accomplish something with lightning speed" and 1 "something is number one, supreme over all things, but you are out of touch with how things work in reality. You run into a restriction or limitation of some kind."

Today, while I would like to get a little break from all that emotional and psychic slogging, it does not seem to be the way things are unfolding. However, I am able to be flexible, positive and centered in my own flow enough to have fun and get a lot out of the day, which really is the most I ever hope for. I have been getting hex. 53 and 15 quite a lot lately, not just in my dailies, but in specific questions as well. This is showing me that I have a lot of work to do in accepting the changes I need to make in my life and having the courage to do so.

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